Fond Sonore pour une messe basse

Opus : 44
Date of composition : 1957
Instrument(s) : organ
Publisher : Armiane
Duration : 22'30"
Fond Sonore pour une messe basse is a mere musical background with a liturgical purpose. Its six parts correspond to the six main moments of Mass.
The genuine title of this work for organ may look old-fashioned nowadays, being historically opposed to the ancient solemn, sung High Mass. Yet the discreet atmosphere implied by the word "background" sounds strangely modern, the time having come for a search of peace and quietness during the prayer of small communities.
Fond Sonore pour une messe basse was first performed by Didier Matry in Saint Augustine's Church in Paris on June 21th, 2001.
Apply to :
Editions Armiane (Versailles, France)
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