Radio 100'7 (Luxembourg) : "Nuit d'été : Biarritz - La mer" (an extract from "Nuits basques") op. 9
June 13th, 2021 à 2.00 pmOn radio 100,7 du Luxembourg, the radio producer Olivier Dartevelle is both a clarinettist musician involved in orchestra, chamber music and clarinet solo, and a composer of one hundred works. His Sunday programme "Détente sous l'Olivier" shows us his love of History and music, all this with some music works by various composers. The Sunday programme of June 13 th, 2021, entitled "Une petite histoire des bains de mer" (tr: a little story of sea-bathing) allows us to listen to Journeau's "Nuit d'été : Biarritz-La mer", an extract from his "NUITS BASQUEs" op. 9 (c. 1925).