A violin and organ concert with "Simple Cantilène"
June 8th, 2013 à 5.30 pmViolin and organ concert by Jacques Boucher and Anne Robert, a well-known canadian duet in festivals abroad. Among works of various centuries, we shall discover more recent works among which the "Simple Cantilène" for violin and organ op.59 by Journeau. A work published by Combre (Paris) with the same "Cantilène" for organ solo by the composer.
June 8th, at 5.30 pm (concert and tea-party, 25 euros)in organist and composer Marcel Dupré's house at Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine, near Paris). Compulsory booking in advance by phone: 01 46 26 37 77.
Auditorium Marcel Dupré (Meudon)
40 Boulevard Anatole France
40 Boulevard Anatole France