2012 Mothering Sunday (Great Britain)
April 3rd, 2012 à 10.30 amIn the Midlands town of Northampton, in England, you will find concerts and Choral services at "All Saints' Church" (Church of England). There, several choirs are sometimes combined, conducted by Lee Dunleavy, a young organist, Director of Music, and composer.In this beautiful, huge, ancient Church, dating back to 1680,choral services mingle traditional and modern choral works. For instance, on Sunday, the 3rd of April 2012, the Fourth Sunday in Lent, this Mothering Sunday too inspired the choice of works by composers Vaughan Williams, Schubert, Journeau (Prière à la Vierge), R. Jackson and CS Lang. For further events, consult the website of All Saints' Church.