Sonata Concert for violin and piano
December 12th, 2009 à 5.00 pm"This piano and violin concert on December 12 th in Paris gives us the opportunity to hear the talented violinist Véronique Daverio in three sonatas by J-S Bach, Maurice Journeau and Guillaume Lekeu. Maurice Journeau wrote various works for violin and piano, and even for violin and organ. Among his violin and piano works he leaves us two sonatas. The first one dates from 1923 in Biarritz, when just coming back home after his studies in the "Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris" in the twenties. The second one dates from 1939 in Paris, i.e. just before World War II, and bears the hall-mark of an experienced, mature way of writing. At the end of his life, in Versailles, the composer dedicated this second sonata to his deceased wife whom he much loved" (a commentary by Ch.Virlet-Journeau)
Further particulars about the sonatas in the book Maurice Journeau, 1898-1999 (Seguier, 2007), Ch. II pp 26-28 and Ch.IV pp 58-61.
58, rue Madame
75006 Paris