A piano recital by François Chaplin at "Hôtel Cail" (Paris)
November 17th, 2009 à 8.30 pmA piano recital by François Chaplin : Ravel - Debussy - Journeau - Chopin - Fauré. An homage to the French composer Maurice Journeau.
This recital, which pays an homage to the French composer Maurice Journeau (1898 - 1999), announces too the forthcoming bicentenary of Frederic Chopin's birth in 2010. And we may already rejoice at the next issue, in Spring 2010, of François Chaplin's recording the Nocturnes of this great romantic composer (Zig Zag / Harmonia Mundi). There was probably no better evocatory choice for Maurice Journeau than a piano concert. It was indeed the very instrument he loved and played, whether with his own works or those by the famous composers of tonight, all of them being among the ones he preferred (we could also add Bach and Schumann...), even if he never excluded anybody.
His piano works - a typically 20th century French music - had been first performed ( and sometimes broadcast) by great pianists of the past we still keep in our memory: Ginette Doyen, Monique Haas, Suzanne Desmarquest, Hèlène Boschi, the American pianist Dean Witter, if we limit ourselves to soloists. And, more recently, by Jean Micault whose name is linked to the "Ecole Normale de Musique-Alfred Cortot"in Paris and the MusikHochSchule in Saarbrucken, as well as to the Romantic piano period, leading the way to a younger generation of artists from now on.
Compulsory booking: Phone +33 (0)1. 44. 90.76.43 (Mrs Sandrine Roudès)
3 rue de Lisbonne