"Premier Impromptu" for piano
June 1st, 2003 à 4.00 pm
Premier Impromptu for piano by Isolde Choltes.
Chapelle Saint Bernard
34, place Raoul Dautry
75015 Paris
Tube : Montparnasse, under the left clock in the station
34, place Raoul Dautry
75015 Paris
Tube : Montparnasse, under the left clock in the station
Free entrance
A former student at the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, then assistant-professor in the CNSM (Upper Conservatory, Isolde Choltes enjoys classical German music and typically French music (here : Canteloube, Berlioz and Journeau)
Chapelle Saint-Bernard
34, place Raoul Dautry.
75015 Paris
34, place Raoul Dautry.
75015 Paris