On Radio "ACCENT 4" : "Quatuor à cordes" Op. 11
March 11th, 2022 à 11.19 amAlthough written by a young man, this string quartet Op. 11 already was a quite mature work. Journeau was 28 years old : a passionate age, thus a passionate musical work ! His way of writing already was firm and strongly personal : so the composer will later consider the work as a sample of his own style of writing.
The string quartet Op. 11 was published by EDITIONS COMBRE, a classical music publisher Mrs Colette Geneste who retired and left her important catalogue to Mr Pierre LEMOINE in Paris, a well-known publisher involved in both modern and very much contemporary music. Piano duets may also find there Journeau's own transcription of the string quartet Op. 11 for four hands, another sample of typically french music by a composer who enjoyed playing piano himself every evening at home.