"Le Touquet Paris-Plage Infos" (August, 2014)
August 2014Quite fond of music, the "Touquet Paris-Plage Infos" magazine published this very month...For the "Piano Folies" 6th Festival takes place there in August (17-25): a hundred well-known musicians, sixty concerts. The 2014 selected musical theme being "La Belle Epoque".
Moreover, Philippe Lyardet's historical page("Histoire",p.16) evokes this month the french composer Maurice Journeau (1898-1999). Just as Maurice Ravel, but much more, Maurice Journeau used to come to Le Touquet Paris-Plage, a french resort in the Pas-de-Calais. A town where Journeau composed a strings and piano quintet in June 1929: the "Petite Suite pour cordes et piano" op.13(Editions Europart-Music). This chamber music work being often played with his strings and piano quintet "Les Nuits basques" with exactly the same string instruments.